IFBLS 2021 - fem dages faglig fest er slut

700 deltagere fra nær og fjern, Søren Brostrøm, netværk, kongresmiddag og masser af nyt fagligt input. Fem faglige festlige dage i Bella Center under overskriften "IFBLS 2021 - join the lab race" er slut.

Skrevet af
Niels C. Jensen, digital redaktør
IFBLS 2021 dag 2

24.-28. august var der fyldt med glade bioanalytikere, diagnostik, laboratorieudstilling og faglige oplæg i Bella Center. Årtiets faglige fest for bioanalytikere, IFBLS 2021, blev en succes med 700 deltagere.

Undervejs under hele kongressen skrev og fotograferede redaktionen løbende nogle af de mange historier, der foldede sig ud under bioanalytikernes verdenskongres. På facebook-gruppen IFBLS 2021 - join the lab race kan du selv dykke ned i artikler og fotos fra fem dages faglig fest. 

Her får du et par overskrifter:

Søren Brostrøm


Sing with me: “On the cover of the Rolling Stone”

The auditorium was packed with expectant biomedical laboratory scientists when Martina Jürs the chair of the local organizing committee, IFBLS 2021 introduced Søren Brostrøm, Director General of the Danish health department Sundhedsstyrelsen. Nicknamed “the corona-general” by the danes.​ Read more.​​

Voxpop IFBLS 2021


“A great congress”

Two attendees from Switzerland and Austria agree that IFBLS 2021 has been a great congress.

“I found the lecture of the crash-course for people outside biomedical laboratory profession who want to work in the field especially interesting. We need this worldwide”, says Robert Signer.​ Read more.​


Eske Willerslev

Rewriting the history of mankind – gene by gene

Professor Eske Willerslev of both Cambridge and Copenhagen universities opened the IFBLS 2021 congress with a vigorous presentation of his work in the forefront of the scientific field of geogenetics.​ Read more.​

Anne Lindgren IFBLS 2021


Welcome to IFBLS 2021 - join the lab race

“It is time to celebrate the value we bring in terms of laboratory investigation, clinical diagnosis, research and patient management,” said Anne Lindgren, past-president IFBLS​. Read more.



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