Sing with me: “On the cover of the Rolling Stone”

The auditorium was packed with expectant biomedical laboratory scientists when Martina Jürs the chair of the local organizing committee, IFBLS 2021 introduced Søren Brostrøm, Director General of the Danish health department Sundhedsstyrelsen. Nicknamed “the corona-general” by the danes.

IFBLS 2021
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Jytte Kristensen, editor dbio. Photos by Sine Fiig.
Søren Brostrøm på IFBLS 2021

Søren Brostrøm var keynote torsdag formiddag på IFBLS 2021. Foto: Sine Fiig

“You are the most popular and most liked person in Denmark. You even was on the cover of the magazine Euroman”, said a happy Martina with a reference to a song from 1972 called “On the cover of the Rolling Stone” by Dr. Hook.

You are the most popular and most liked person in Denmark. You even was on the cover of the magazine Euroman”, said a happy Martina Jürs with a reference to a song from 1972 called "On the cover of the Rolling Stone"
Dr. Hook

Søren Brostrøm was happy too:

“This is the first international congress I am attending in two years, and I have seen that it is a wonderful programme you have”, he started his one-hour presentation of how the covid-19 pandemic has effected the world and how the Danish healthcare system has managed to keep the contagious virus at bay.

He showed slides on how Denmark has been the country with the highest amount of testing, which was a highly political driven decision. And he addressed the big effort of the medical laboratory scientists:

“I am happy that we have had enough capacity to extend the amount of tests continually. Thanks and congratulations to you for your great effort”.

Søren Brostrøms presentation was mostly focused on the Danish strategy to prevent that the pandemic ran amok in Denmark.

I am happy that we have had enough capacity to extend the amount of tests continually. Thanks and congratulations to you for your great effort.
Søren Brostrøm

But with a map of the world that dramatically showed the inequality in the access to vaccines and appropriate treatment, he pointed out:

“We have to focus on the global perspective. If we do not do something about the inequality in the world, we will not be safe either.”

Søren Brostrøm is also a board member of the Executive Board WHO, the World Health Organisation.

When Brostrøm left the stage he was surrounded by eager congress-participants. They all wanted a selfie with the corona-general.


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