Come together at IFBLS 2021 - Søren Brostrøm kommer også

Søren Brostrøm, Eske Willerslev, Fatima Al Atraktchi og flere end 330 bioanalytikere fra hele verden er tilmeldt. Programmet er klar, og der er åbent for tilmeldingen. Medlemmer af dbio, LSB og DEKS kommer med til nedsat IFBLS medlemspris indtil 11/7.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Af Niels C. Jensen, journalist

We continue the planning of IFBLS 2021 even though COVID-19 is still a worldwide threat to the general health. It is always the authorities who permit us and other organizers to execute conferences. The safety of the participants, speakers and sponsors is always our highest priority.  We follow the guidelines and rules connected to COVID-19 at any given time. 

You will have the opportunity to get the registration fee refunded if IFBLS 2021 is cancelled and/or if travel restrictions make your participation impossible. We recommend you book transport and accommodation with option for cancellation.

Minna Fy hn Lykke Lladó

Senior lecturer and international coordinator at University College Copenhagen, invited speaker at IFBLS 2021 presenting “The international recipe to create unique Biomedical Laboratory Scientists”, Denmark.
“The congress will be a huge source of inspiration. It will furthermore offer valuable networking possibilities. I am certain that the congress will enrich every single participant. We will get proud of each other and the profession. In my own presentation, I will share how international traineeships in world class laboratories are an important factor in the education of innovative Biomedical Laboratory Scientists.”

Be rt Asbild

Member of the Board of Directors IFBLS, former president of The Danish Association of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists, Denmark.
“I hope that IFBLS 2021 will be the congress that we have prepared. I hope it will be a success and I hope to see you all. We have put so much work in planning this program and believe me, it is exceptional! So come and visit the congress and come and visit Copenhagen, it is a wonderful city. I want you all to join the lab race with me!”

Anne Lindgren

Biomedical laboratory scientist, advisor at the Swedish Association of Health Professionals, Past-President of and member of the Board of Directors IFBLS, Sweden.
“I would recommend others to join the lab race at IFBLS 2021 in order to get new knowledge, take part of the scientific program which now have been boosted with a lot of new information, experiences and science when it comes to corona diagnostics and most likely there is a lot of other things that has evolved in this process. I think it is very important that we meet there and take part and share what new knowledge there is to be had.”​

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