IFBLS 2021 - join the lab race – Second call for abstracts

På grund af coronaepidemien er verdenskongressen for bioanalytikere rykket til 24-28. august 2021. Og nu er det tid til at indsende abstracts, hvis du vil deltage med en poster eller et foredrag. Deadline for abstracts er d. 31. januar 2021.


Af Niels C. Jensen, journalist


The abstract submission will be open for new submissions between 1st of October 2020 – 31st of January 2021. Please download and use the abstract template at ifbls2021.org

As sessions with focus on Covid-19 and the effect of the pandemic on the biomedical laboratory science profession, will be added to the program as a topic in each of the four tracks, abstracts with focus on Covi--19, related to the tracks are welcomed.

Abstracts already submitted for 2020

The conference would like to thank all abstract submitters for the valuable contribution to the scientific program. All contributions will be transferred to the 2021 conference and are accepted for 2021.

Information about the postponement of the conference to August 2021 including specific information for abstract submitters was sent out by email 24th of April 2020. For submitters who would like to update their current abstract, this will be possible between 1st of October 2020 – 31st of January 2021, by access through the abstract submission link and use of information about abstract number.

Please note: More detailed information about type of presentations will be followed up upon after 31st of January 2021 and no later than 1st of April 2021.

The aim of IFBLS 2021 is to bring together people who have an enthusiasm for various fields of biomedical laboratory science. For example:

  • clinical chemistry
  • hematology
  • clinical pathology
  • clinical microbiology
  • neurophysiology
  • clinical physiology and nuclear medicine
  • clinical immunology
  • clinical genetics
  • molecular biology
  • community health care
  • education
  • management
  • continued professional development (CPD)
  • health and safety
  • work environment
  • public health
  • or something we have not even heard about yet.

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